Lives are changed by the transformational power of the Holy Spirit. We, as caring Christians, support and encourage these changes.
Incarceration is so lonely for inmates and their families and friends. Our job is to write to them with encouraging words by sharing God's love for all of His creation.
This ministry does not solicit donations; we are self funded with resources that God provides. We will redirect any donations to other ministries that we support. Information on recommendations is available by request.
Liberty Ministries, Schwenksville PA,
New Person Ministries, Reading, PA,
and National Programs. These are examples of prison aftercare ministries that we support with our donations.
Our very good friend, Dave, and his wife Donna participate in communications with many inmates each month. Donna's warm heart for Jesus is shared with the Ladies. Dave shares his heart with over seventy men in nineteen PA state prisons--simply amazing! Dave also is the one responsible for much of the content you see on this site.
Donna heads up our women's inmate communications. She has a heart for Jesus, and she has become a trusted friend and mentor for so many women who rely on her to share their burdens as well as their faith. Together with her husband, Dave, they comprise a strong team that this ministry relies on for faithful, caring work each week.